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 2022年10月27日 Joanna王若琳今年遠赴冰島北邊的 Haganes 短居6個星期,每天驅車前往錄音室待上長達10小時,在只有70 個人口的小鎮上與世隔絕,專注於音樂,一天試著錄完2-3首歌,目前她正在美國全力籌備新專輯。萬聖節將至,Joanna王若琳搶先推出在冰島完成的全新英文單曲《梯納的鬼怪屋Tina’s Hausu》,歌曲以一個叫「梯納」的主人住在「鬼怪屋」為主題,描繪各種有關萬聖節的恐怖情節,整體帶有一種詭異又有趣的氛圍,也十分符合王若琳不按牌理出牌的獨特個性。 歌名中的「梯納Tina」是王若琳妹妹的名字,本業是繪畫師的Tina也擔任《梯納的鬼怪屋Tina’s Hausu》MV的場景設計。至於為何將「梯納」設定為「鬼怪屋」的主人,王若琳打趣表示:「有點白癡,是一種跟妹妹相處的幽默感。」足見兩姐妹的相愛相殺的好感情。 熱愛恐怖電影、漫畫的Joanna王若琳表示,歌名中的「鬼怪屋」靈感源於日本導演大林宣彥1977年的奇譚經典電影《鬼怪屋》(House),而在音樂畫面的想像上,她融合了日本著名漫畫大師楳圖一雄以小學生為角色的恐怖漫畫,將自己對於邪典作品世界觀的鍾愛放入這首歌裡。 《梯納的鬼怪屋Tina’s Hausu》MV長達10多分鐘,前半部以短劇+主持節目的方式呈現萬聖喜劇情境,演員們接著走進一間鬼屋,在歌曲節奏一下之後,便展開一場血腥奇幻旅程。而這次MV不僅在美術設計上用心營造萬聖節氛圍,王若琳也精心裝扮,拿著斧頭、化上鬼魅妝容,搭配MV中漫畫式的誇張節奏與表演,讓人看了既恐怖又好笑!

Golden Melody Two Kings Two Queens Shen Wencheng, Huang Dawei, Pan Yueyun, Wang Ruolin BACK TO 70’S Western Golden Melody Concert

[US] Wang Ruolin, with a moving voice, will attend the Western Golden Melody concerts in Taipei and Kaohsiung. [TW] 嗓音動人的王若琳,將出席台北、高雄場的西洋金曲演唱會。 The most "pure" classic Western Golden Melody Music Feast "BACK TO 70'S Western Golden Melody Concert", the organizer and digital cultural and creative invited the strong cast of "Golden Melody Award", including four heavyweight singers in the Chinese music scene-Shen Wencheng and Huang Dawei , Pan Yueyun and Wang Ruolin join hands to sing! The first show will be held at the Taipei International Convention Center at 7:30 PM on May 29, at Huisun Hall, Taichung Chung Hsing University on June 26, and at the Haiyin Hall of the Kaohsiung Pop Music Center on July 17. With the exquisite and beautiful voice of "Two Kings and Two Queens", you can enter the time machine and immerse yourself in the good time of Western classic songs in the 70s. udn ticket sales network is officially on sale! These four powerful

Western Golden Melody Concert is the first to announce the opening of TICC in October

[US] Wang Ruolin [TW] 王若琳 [US] Shen Wencheng trained independently to prepare for the concert. [TW] 沈文程自主訓練 為演唱會備戰。 Shen Wencheng, Huang Dawei, Pan Yueyun, Wang Ruolin led the "BaACK TO 70's" Western Golden Melody concert, originally scheduled to tour at the end of June, due to the postponement, the concert organizer announced today (17) that the first concert is expected to be held in Taipei International on October 30 Singing in the conference center. Shen Wencheng, who is very keen on fishing, often uses his work time to go fishing. "The show clothes will forget to bring them, but the fishing rod will never forget." However, Shen Wencheng fishes without a net, only a camera, and releases after taking photos with the fish. "I always say that fishing should not have a conqueror mentality. After all, it is a life, and meeting them is a fate; after a fish is hooked, I will say to it, "I'm sorry, it hurts, it’s so cute, mom will give birth." Oh,