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To maintain a high frequency of updates, ignore content quality

Many novice YouTubers are very diligent in uploading videos. In order to make the channel "seemly active", the method of "updated daily" was chosen as a strategy for operating a new channel; however, it is likely to be self-defeating.

Reason for failure

The YouTube algorithm is too smart! It can use the performance of index data to judge the quality of your video and evaluate whether the video is liked by the audience.

If you update the content at a high frequency, you may unintentionally sacrifice the content quality of each movie; this will reduce the audience's willingness to watch the movie and reduce the time spent on the channel.

Make an impact

"Decreased watching willingness and decreased channel stay viewing time" is an indicator of channel underperformance for YouTube; when YouTube feels that your video is not worth recommending to more viewers, your channel is unlikely to be There is a lot of traffic coming in. This means that even if you have a lot of videos on your channel, no one will watch it.

Suggested practice

Keep the balance between "quantity" and "quality" of content output within your abilities!

For example, update three times a week, or only update once a week;

The most important thing is to maintain good content quality and holding rate output frequency to reactivate the channel's traffic.














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