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Prevent illegal gambling

North City does not allow Mahjong Club, Chess and Card Club to apply for business registration

To prevent illegal gambling, the Taipei City Department of Commerce stated today that it will not approve applications for business registration under the names of Mahjong Club and Chess Club.

The Kuomintang member of Taipei City Councillor Li Mingxian conducted a survey to the police and found that the police have uncovered 43 mahjong gambling cases since the beginning of the Republic of China. There were 7 cases before the end of February this year.

Li Mingxian said that if the industry is determined to be engaged in illegal gambling, after being investigated by the police, it is recommended that the city government should cut off water and electricity. If the circumstances are serious, the business registration should be cancelled. in accordance with.

The Commercial Office of the Beishi Municipal Government pointed out that if the public store has a mahjong name, it is not allowed to apply for business name and registration according to regulations. Since 1993, there have been no cases of mahjong club approved name registration.

The Department of Commerce stated that before November 16, 109, there were 26 businesses that registered businesses in Beishi under the names of "Chess Workshop", "Chess Club", and "Chess Card".

The Department of Commerce stated that in order to prevent people from setting up business registrations and engaging in illegal activities such as gambling through names such as "Chess Art Club", the Department of Commerce convened the police, social and legal affairs bureaus on November 16, 109 to conduct research, such as the applicant’s pre-inspection of business The name contains names such as "Chess and Card Club", "Chess Art Club", etc., and the Department of Commerce does not allow them to use this name for business registration.

According to the police, there are often gambling establishments in the name of chess and card clubs. The operators have legally applied for business registration. In fact, they operate illegal mahjong halls and exchange point cards for cash for gambling. The operators will charge tea fees, entrance fees, etc. instead of drawing The first gold, avoiding the profit-making requirements of gambling crime.

The Department of Commerce pointed out that if the 26 business registration companies named Chess Shop, Chess Club, Chess and Cards were found to be involved in illegal gambling by the police and sentenced by the court, their business registrations would be abolished in accordance with the law.


防非法賭博 北市不准麻將社棋牌社申請商業登記










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