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Indulge in gambling and owe usury


[US] The defendant Xu Jianxing pleaded guilty to 20 counts of fraud in the District Court today and is remanded in custody awaiting sentence. [TW] 被告徐健行今日在區域法院承認20項欺詐罪,還押候判。

The school’s students were accused of selling fly, uh, money

Xu Jianxing, a 21-year-old boy studying at the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, claimed on the Internet that he could sell discounted Disneyland tickets and concert tickets for many Korean stars including Big Bang, EXO, INFINITE, and music gift Mnet. This deceived 25 people into "losing" and agreed to pay through bank accounts before receiving the flight. However, after they could not receive the tickets after payment, they asked for a refund and there was no news, they learned that they were defrauded and called the police for help.

The defendant pleaded guilty to 20 crimes of fraud in the District Court today, involving more than 46,000 Hong Kong dollars; he denied the other 5 crimes of fraud, and the prosecution agreed to file the court for rejection. The defendant was remanded in custody until September 20, waiting for the report of the social service order to be sentenced.

The defense pleaded that the defendant had been addicted to gambling since the age of 16, and opened a betting account to bet on football matches at the age of 18.

The defense emphasized that it was a matter of time before the defendant used his or his friend’s bank account for the defrauded customer to transfer money. It also alleged that the defendant’s family members learned of the defendant’s problems afterwards and helped him to repay the victim. The defendant has also sought a psychologist. Help, hope to be released as soon as possible, and then work to repay the family.


沉迷賭博欠高利貸 教院生賣飛呃錢被控

就讀香港專業教育學院的21歲男生徐健行,在2015至16年間於網上聲稱可出售迪士尼樂園特價門票,以及多個韓星包括Big Bang、EXO、INFINITE,和音樂禮Mnet的演唱會門券,藉此騙得25人「落疊」,同意先透過銀行戶口轉帳付款之後才收飛,惟他們在付款後收不到門票,要求退款又音訊全無,才知受騙報警求助。





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