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GEG supports Bao in organizing secret room puzzle solving activities

Innovative ways to promote responsible gambling to young people

GEG Group has been actively supporting and organizing diverse activities to promote responsible gaming information to different groups in the community. "Galaxy Entertainment Group Presents: Responsible Gaming Community Promotion Project-Mystery Room. Not Lost" sponsored by the title sponsor of GEG and hosted by the "Free TEEN Land" under the Bao Sigao Youth Service Network (hereinafter referred to as "Bao Qing Net") More than 20 secret room puzzle-solving activities with the theme of responsible gambling were held at the Maria Center. Through the new method of secret room puzzle-solving games that are favored by young people, this age group is instilled with relevant information about responsible gambling. Help them deepen their understanding of the importance of rational gambling.

The event attracted more than 120 young people between the ages of 13 and 29. GEG hopes to use innovative and interesting ways to further promote the importance of prevention and treatment of gambling disorders to young people, and to understand the hazards of indulging in gambling, so as to increase young people’s awareness of gambling disorders. Resilience.




銀娛集團一直積極支持及舉辦多元活動,向社區不同群體宣揚負責任博彩資訊。由銀娛冠名贊助、鮑思高青年服務網絡(下稱「鮑青網」)轄下「自由TEEN地」主辦之「銀河娛樂集團呈獻:負責任博彩社區推廣計劃 — 謎室.不迷失」於瑪利亞中心舉辦了逾20場以負責任博彩為主題的密室解謎活動,透過備受年輕人青睞的密室解謎遊戲的嶄新方式,向這個年齡層群體灌輸負責任博彩的相關資訊,助其加深認識理性博彩的重要性。



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