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Gambler Lonnie lost 1 million pounds a night

Mrs. Gelian is worried about her husband's repeated mistakes

England star Lonnie signed with the English Championship team to play in the county, returning to life in England in January of the following year, leaving the American League team Washington United. Having said that, Lonnie's wife Geleen worried that her husband would become addicted to gambling again after returning to England, becoming a gambler and losing a good family.

Mrs. Lonnie is angry because after signing with Beatrice, he has a relationship with the gambling company 32Red, which is the main sponsor of Beatrice. Beatrice County and the gambling company 32Red signed the club’s record-breaking jersey sponsorship. It was the introduction of new funds that indirectly gave Lonnie the opportunity to transfer to Beatrice County.

Lonnie moved to the county in January next year. His contract weekly salary is 90,000 pounds, which is higher than the average weekly salary of 20,000 pounds for players in the British Championship. Worry. Because Lonnie had a track record of gambling, and tried to lose 1 million pounds in one night.

Sources close to Golian said that she was very happy to return to England to live, but she was also afraid that Lonnie would return to the gambler's way of life because of his relationship with the gambling company.

Lonnie used to play roulette, blackjack and other gambling games at 235 Casino, a Manchester casino in 2017, and lost 1 million pounds in one night. In his autobiography in 2006, Lonnie also admitted that he had a gambler character, and he didn’t stop his betting until the end: “I also know that I have some bad habits like ordinary gamblers. I lost my money, and then I tried to increase my bet. I hope to win back all the losses in one go."

As the newly signed star of the county, Lonnie will wear the No. 32 jersey in January next year, also indirectly promoting the gambling company. Whether Lonnie will indulge in gambling again when he returns to England will affect his marriage relationship with Geleen at any time.


賭徒朗尼一晚輸掉100萬鎊 太太歌蓮擔心丈夫重覆犯錯





朗尼曾經在2017年於235 Casino這家曼徹斯特賭場遊玩,玩輪盤、廿一點等賭博遊戲,一晚之內輸掉100萬鎊。朗尼在2006年的自傳中也承認自己有賭徒性格、賭到最後才收手:「我也知道自己和一般賭徒一樣,擁有一些壞習慣。我輸了錢,然後嘗試增加注碼,希望一口氣把輸掉的都贏回來。」



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