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Payoneer announces news of investment, service and corporate partners in the Asia-Pacific region

Payoneer announces news of investment, service and corporate partners in the Asia-Pacific region

Payoneer expanded six new offices in the Asia-Pacific region with a triple-digit growth rate of new customer expansion and payment volume.

Payoneer is an innovative cross-border payment company that has transformed the way major companies send and receive funds globally. The series of milestones announced recently will promote its continued economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region in 2017. Payoneer expanded six new offices in the region with a triple-digit growth rate of new customer expansion and payment volume. In addition, through the establishment of a series of partnerships with Asian partners and the development of new payment services, Payoneer will closely connect the company with the Chinese market and the Japanese market, realizing the connection of Asia's digital economy to the rest of the world.

• Achieving triple-digit growth in the Asia-Pacific region-Asia remains a strong growth driver for Payoneer, which reflects the booming development of cross-border e-commerce, digital marketing, freelance and vacation rental industries in the region. In Asia, Payoneer's fund processing volume and customer growth have both reached triple-digit growth rates for six consecutive years.

• Mainstream platforms begin to use Payoneer for payment-Payoneer has reached cooperation with local travel industry giants (including Ctrip, WAKA and Tujia), along with Alibaba, Amazon, Bigo Live,, Lazada and Shopee, and these giants have all provided them through Payoneer. Of international sellers, suppliers, vacation rental owners and marketing alliances.

• Launch of new payment services – With the recently announced Japanese yen and cross-border RMB payment services, Payoneer customers outside of Japan and China can conduct business in these markets and receive local currency as easily as these domestic companies.

• Strengthen local influence and leadership-In order to better serve the growing network of entrepreneurs and corporate networks in the Asia-Pacific region, Payoneer has expanded its local business by opening multiple offices and hiring regional managers. The company opened six new offices in the Asia-Pacific region, incorporated Tokyo, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Manila, Bangalore and Seoul into its Hong Kong hub, and added 80 local staff. Japan Regional Manager Satoru Nemoto was the CEO of Groupon Japan for more than 3 years, and he led the Japanese Amazon team for more than 7 years. Before joining Payoneer, Jason Chung, the regional manager in Korea, has a rich resume in Education First, TripAdvisor, Travelocity and eBay. These two new employees are irreplaceable members. They can balance the goals of a growing international digital enterprise with the needs of the local market.

"I am passionate about helping companies expand their global business and achieve more successful performance." Satoru Nemoto said, "When I was the CEO of Groupon Japan, I focused on helping local businesses thrive. I look forward to Japanese entrepreneurs and Companies can continue to show their strengths on the global stage. In addition, the opportunity to form and lead a local Payoneer team also gives me motivation. Although we are still at the beginning of this development journey, it is even more exciting."

"We are very excited about the continued growth and tremendous development in Asia." Patrick de Courcy, head of Payoneer Asia Pacific, explained, "With the establishment of new offices and the launch of new services and partners, we look forward to continuing to consolidate in A strong position in the Asia-Pacific region."

The following is an inventory of Payoneer's major events in 2016:

Latino e-commerce company Linio joins hands with Payoneer

On March 3, 2016, the Latin American e-commerce platform Linio announced its cooperation with the cross-border payment company Payoneer.

Linio's cooperation with Payoneer aims to solve cross-border payment problems for sellers in Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Traditional banking services have problems such as high fees, lack of transparency, easy delay, and manual operations.

Payoneer acquires third-party payment company Armor Payments to provide guarantee services for cross-border B2B trade

On March 15, 2016, cross-border payment company Payoneer announced the acquisition of Armor Payments, a company that provides guarantee services for B2B payments. Payoneer focuses on the B2B payment market. After this acquisition, Payoneer will provide guarantee services for global cross-border B2B trade and reduce trade risks for B2B companies.

The combination of Payoneer's multi-currency cross-border payment capabilities and the security of Armor Payments has created global market opportunities for all types of enterprises.

Armor Payments is a third-party guarantee between the buyer and the seller, similar to Alipay, payment can be made after the product or service is completed and both parties are satisfied.

Payoneer opens yen account application, the rate is "open low, go low"

In April 2016, Payoneer announced that the pre-application channel for yen accounts has been opened and will support yen collection.

Payoneer yen accounts can help sellers collect funds from platforms such as Amazon Japan, Rakuten, and Yahoo with "no exchange difference", and withdraw them to domestic bank accounts. The core function is the same as that of receiving payments in US dollars, euros, and British pounds. Direct payment from the platform corresponds to zero exchange loss for foreign currency payments.

Rakuten partners with Payoneer, a cross-border payment company

On September 26, 2016, Japan's Rakuten Group, which has a place in the U.S. e-commerce market, announced the cooperation with Payoneer, a cross-border transaction payment company. This cooperation will allow sellers from all over the world who sell on the Rakuten platform to receive payments in their national currency through Payoneer.

Payoneer completes $180 million in Series E financing

In October 2016, Payoneer completed $180 million in Series E financing, led by venture capital firm Technology Crossover Ventures, and participating investors were its existing shareholder Susquehanna Growth Equity.

Scott Galit, CEO of Payoneer, said, “The financing amount will be used to support Payoneer’s long-term growth strategy for its global business. The Payoneer platform helps solve the payment problems encountered by small and medium-sized enterprises and digital enterprises in the global development process, but we believe that Payoneer It is still in the early stage of platform construction, so Payoneer is currently expanding its team building and building twice the previous technology and product team to speed up the launch of new products."

Payoneer's current round of financing is the result of a favorable financing environment and is not an action taken for listing. Scott said: "We want to ensure control of the company's destiny. If the company goes public, it must be for the company's good development needs, and we will not go public because of the need for funds."

Payoneer was selected as one of the top 100 Fintech companies in 2016

On October 24, 2016, KPMG and H2 Ventures, a well-known Australian venture capital firm, released the "2016 Global Fintech 100 (2016 Fintech 100)" report and list. Payoneer ranked 49th as a technology and financial innovation company .

According to the "FINTECH100" report, Payoneer provides 24/7 cross-border payment services to more than 200 countries, allowing millions of companies and professionals to reach new audiences. Payoneer can distribute global funds on a large scale, providing professional payment solutions for various corporate and business needs from Fortune 100 companies to small and medium-sized companies in more than 210 countries around the world. According to the report, Payoneer is a simple, safe and efficient payment method for businesses or professionals. Since 2005, the company has provided companies with a variety of payment methods, including a MasterCard debit card, depositing money in local banks around the world, or paying directly to local e-wallets.


After a year of rapid development, Payoneer has established branches in India, Japan and the Philippines, and established official partnerships with the world's well-known e-commerce platforms Rakuten, Linio, Cdiscount, Tradedoubler and CJ Affiliate.

Scott Galit, CEO of Payoneer, said that at present, Payoneer has customers in 200 countries around the world and can distribute funds in local currencies in 130 countries. The number of new small and medium-sized enterprises users is up to 250,000 every month.

So what is Payoneer's next move, and how does the collection service provider position itself in the e-commerce industry chain? Zhao Qiucheng, general manager of Payoneer Greater China, said: “In China, Payoneer is committed to serving cross-border e-commerce sellers, helping them to move around the world and achieve efficient and low-cost collections. At present, payoneer has hundreds of thousands of active users in China, and cooperation There are more than 10 e-commerce platforms. We are trying to create a financial service plan that runs through the entire trade chain to promote the ecological development of the industry."

"The company will continue to make huge changes after 12 months and 18 months," Scott said. "Our goal is to become an international platform for global trade, so a lot of work will be done in product development. , Related work will also be carried out in terms of regulatory compliance."





• 亞太地區實現三位數增長 – 亞洲仍然是Payoneer的強勁增長推動因素,這反映了該地區跨境電子商務、數字營銷、自由職業和度假租賃行業的蓬勃發展。在亞洲,Payoneer的資金處理量和客戶增長量連續六年均達到了三位數增長率。

• 主流平台開始使用Payoneer進行支付 - Payoneer與當地旅遊業巨頭(包括攜程、WAKA和途家)達成合作,與阿裏巴巴、亞馬遜、Bigo Live、京東、Lazada和 Shopee一道,這些巨頭均通過Payoneer向他們的國際賣家、供應商、度假租賃業主和營銷聯盟支付款項。

• 推出新型支付服務 – 借助近來宣布的日元和跨境人民幣支付服務,日本和中國以外的Payoneer客戶即可在這些市場進行商業活動,並與這些國內的企業一樣輕松地收取當地貨幣。

• 加強當地影響力和領導力  - 為了更好地為亞太地區不斷增長的企業家和企業網絡服務,Payoneer通過新設多個辦事處以及聘用區域經理,擴大了其當地業務。本公司在亞太地區新設了六個辦事處,將東京、上海、深圳、馬尼拉、班加羅爾和首爾納入其香港樞紐,並新增了 80 名當地工作人員。日本區域經理Satoru Nemoto曾任日本Groupon首席執行官逾 3年,其領導日本亞馬遜團隊逾7年時間。韓國區域經理Jason Chung在加入Payoneer之前在Education First、TripAdvisor、Travelocity和eBay擁有豐富的履歷。這兩位新員工都是不可替代的一員,他們能夠平衡成長型國際數字企業的目標與當地市場的需求。

“我熱衷於幫助企業拓展全球業務,並取得更為成功的業績。”Satoru Nemoto說道,“在日本Groupon擔任首席執行官時,我就專註於幫助本地商家茁壯成長,我期待日本的企業家和企業能夠不斷在全球舞台上一展所長。加之,組建和領導本地的Payoneer團隊的機會也給我動力。我們雖然仍處於這段發展旅程的起點,但這更讓人興奮。”

“我們對在亞洲的持續增長和巨大發展感到非常興奮。”Payoneer亞太地區負責人Patrick de Courcy解釋說,“隨著新辦事處的成立以及新服務和合作夥伴的推出,我們期待著繼續鞏固在亞太地區的強勢地位。”





Payoneer收購第三方支付公司Armor Payments,為跨境B2B貿易提供擔保服務

2016年3月15日,跨境支付公司Payoneer宣布收購Armor Payments,後者是一家為B2B支付提供擔保服務的企業。Payoneer以B2B支付市場為主,此次收購後,Payoneer將為全球跨境B2B貿易提供擔保服務,為B2B企業支付減少貿易風險。

Payoneer的多幣種跨境支付能力與Armor Payments的安全性相結合,為各類型企業創造了全球市場機遇。

Armor Payments是買賣雙方的第三方擔保,類似支付寶,在產品或服務完成、雙方滿意後再打款。







2016年10月,Payoneer完成1.8億美元E輪融資,領投方為風投公司Technology Crossover Ventures,參投方是其現有股東Susquehanna Growth Equity。

Payoneer的首席執行官Scott Galit表示,“此次融資金額將用來支持Payoneer全球業務的長期增長戰略。Payoneer平台幫助解決中小企業及數字企業在全球發展過程中遇到的支付問題,但我們認為Payoneer還遠處於早期平台建設階段,所以Payoneer目前正在擴大團隊建設,打造兩倍於此前的技術和產品團隊,以此來加快新產品的推出。”


Payoneer入選2016年Fintech 100強

2016年10月24日,畢馬威(KPMG)聯合澳洲知名風投機構H2 Ventures發布了“2016年全球金融科技創新100強(2016 Fintech 100)”報告和名單,Payoneer作為科技金融創新企業位列49名。



此前Payoneer經過了一年的迅猛發展,分別在印度、日本和菲律賓設立了分公司,並與全球知名電商平台樂天、Linio、Cdiscount、Tradedoubler和CJ Affiliate建立了官方合作關系。

Payoneer的首席執行官Scott Galit表示,目前,Payoneer的客戶遍布全球200個國家,能在130個國家實現當地幣種的資金下發,每個月新增的中小企業用戶數量達25萬。







• 亚太地区实现三位数增长 – 亚洲仍然是Payoneer的强劲增长推动因素,这反映了该地区跨境电子商务、数字营销、自由职业和度假租赁行业的蓬勃发展。在亚洲,Payoneer的资金处理量和客户增长量连续六年均达到了三位数增长率。

• 主流平台开始使用Payoneer进行支付 - Payoneer与当地旅游业巨头(包括携程、WAKA和途家)达成合作,与阿里巴巴、亚马逊、Bigo Live、京东、Lazada和 Shopee一道,这些巨头均通过Payoneer向他们的国际卖家、供应商、度假租赁业主和营销联盟支付款项。

• 推出新型支付服务 – 借助近来宣布的日元和跨境人民币支付服务,日本和中国以外的Payoneer客户即可在这些市场进行商业活动,并与这些国内的企业一样轻松地收取当地货币。

• 加强当地影响力和领导力  - 为了更好地为亚太地区不断增长的企业家和企业网络服务,Payoneer通过新设多个办事处以及聘用区域经理,扩大了其当地业务。本公司在亚太地区新设了六个办事处,将东京、上海、深圳、马尼拉、班加罗尔和首尔纳入其香港枢纽,并新增了 80 名当地工作人员。日本区域经理Satoru Nemoto曾任日本Groupon首席执行官逾 3年,其领导日本亚马逊团队逾7年时间。韩国区域经理Jason Chung在加入Payoneer之前在Education First、TripAdvisor、Travelocity和eBay拥有丰富的履历。这两位新员工都是不可替代的一员,他们能够平衡成长型国际数字企业的目标与当地市场的需求。

“我热衷于帮助企业拓展全球业务,并取得更为成功的业绩。”Satoru Nemoto说道,“在日本Groupon担任首席执行官时,我就专注于帮助本地商家茁壮成长,我期待日本的企业家和企业能够不断在全球舞台上一展所长。加之,组建和领导本地的Payoneer团队的机会也给我动力。我们虽然仍处于这段发展旅程的起点,但这更让人兴奋。”

“我们对在亚洲的持续增长和巨大发展感到非常兴奋。”Payoneer亚太地区负责人Patrick de Courcy解释说,“随着新办事处的成立以及新服务和合作伙伴的推出,我们期待着继续巩固在亚太地区的强势地位。”





Payoneer收购第三方支付公司Armor Payments,为跨境B2B贸易提供担保服务

2016年3月15日,跨境支付公司Payoneer宣布收购Armor Payments,后者是一家为B2B支付提供担保服务的企业。Payoneer以B2B支付市场为主,此次收购后,Payoneer将为全球跨境B2B贸易提供担保服务,为B2B企业支付减少贸易风险。

Payoneer的多币种跨境支付能力与Armor Payments的安全性相结合,为各类型企业创造了全球市场机遇。

Armor Payments是买卖双方的第三方担保,类似支付宝,在产品或服务完成、双方满意后再打款。







2016年10月,Payoneer完成1.8亿美元E轮融资,领投方为风投公司Technology Crossover Ventures,参投方是其现有股东Susquehanna Growth Equity。

Payoneer的首席执行官Scott Galit表示,“此次融资金额将用来支持Payoneer全球业务的长期增长战略。Payoneer平台帮助解决中小企业及数字企业在全球发展过程中遇到的支付问题,但我们认为Payoneer还远处于早期平台建设阶段,所以Payoneer目前正在扩大团队建设,打造两倍于此前的技术和产品团队,以此来加快新产品的推出。”


Payoneer入选2016年Fintech 100强

2016年10月24日,毕马威(KPMG)联合澳洲知名风投机构H2 Ventures发布了“2016年全球金融科技创新100强(2016 Fintech 100)”报告和名单,Payoneer作为科技金融创新企业位列49名。



此前Payoneer经过了一年的迅猛发展,分别在印度、日本和菲律宾设立了分公司,并与全球知名电商平台乐天、Linio、Cdiscount、Tradedoubler和CJ Affiliate建立了官方合作关系。

Payoneer的首席执行官Scott Galit表示,目前,Payoneer的客户遍布全球200个国家,能在130个国家实现当地币种的资金下发,每个月新增的中小企业用户数量达25万。




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