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Leading Citizen Automation Platform Quickbase Names PAN Communications as Agency of Record

Integrated marketing and PR agency to help drive awareness through thought leadership, and to showcase the company’s deep domain expertise in enabling business agility

PAN Communications, an integrated marketing and PR agency for B2B technology and healthcare brands, today announced its agency of record partnership with Quickbase, the leading no-code operational agility platform. The agency will support the brand’s rapid growth stake as a first-mover and leader in the citizen automation and citizen development space. As digital acceleration continues, Gartner predicts that by 2025, fifty percent of new low-code clients will come from business buyers outside the IT organization.

“With 20 years of experience in citizen automation and development, we feel accountable for helping to shape that conversation in the market, and we couldn't be happier to have PAN Communications as a partner in that effort.”

Quickbase has long been a pioneer in the no-code application platform space. With more than two decades specializing in transforming businesses into operationally agile organizations, the brand is experiencing rapid growth as their enterprise customer bookings increased by nearly 40 percent year-over-year, led by an 83 percent increase in average deal size. To accommodate this growth, they’ve expanded and appointed new strategic senior leadership, and partnered with PAN, based on the firm’s proven expertise in moving automation, application development and low-code brands. This comes through data informed decision-making strategies and implementing their unique growth-driven NXT Stage approach.

"We've heard one thing loud and clear from our customers – the push to outpace change by shifting technology responsibilities to the business accelerated five years in the past few months, and everyone needs help navigating that path safely," said Eric Olson, chief marketing officer at Quickbase. "With 20 years of experience in citizen automation and development, we feel accountable for helping to shape that conversation in the market, and we couldn't be happier to have PAN Communications as a partner in that effort."

Pushing the expansion of no-code, agile operations are the trends of automation, democratization and the need for connectedness as the world remains virtual. Business needs change faster than traditional technology can support, and Quickbase provides an automation platform that enables their 5,500+ customers to drive continuous improvement and agility, all while proactively managing risk. PAN will grow the brand’s visibility across earned media channels through strategic media relations and thought leadership content. The agency will simultaneously work with influencers and industry leaders to boost awareness and establish expertise.

“Quickbase is looking to establish their expertise and quality awareness within the low-code automation and agility space,” says Gene Carozza, senior vice president at PAN Communications. “PAN is equipped to roll out an integrated media program that will tightly align and assist in Quickbase’s high growth business strategy. Our team is eager to start sourcing thought leadership opportunities for the highly-skilled Quickbase executives, and strategically guide the agile platform company to be the most well-recognized and qualified brand for low-code automated operations.”

About PAN Communications

PAN Communications is a mid-size integrated marketing & PR agency with over 150 employees internationally. With over 25 years of experience, PAN helps companies transform ideas into captivating stories that align to emerging and late-stage growth strategies through the firm’s NXT Stage approach. Headquartered in downtown Boston, PAN has additional office locations in San Francisco, New York, Orlando and London. The agency’s teams are positioned to help brands emerge in new markets and scale globally, with experience driving integrated strategy across a variety of brands like Rapid 7, HUMAN, Payoneer, GYANT, OneStream, Radial, athenahealth and


領先的公民自動化平台 Quickbase 將 PAN Communications 命名為記錄機構


B2B 技術和醫療保健品牌的整合營銷和公關機構 PAN Communications 今天宣布與領先的無代碼運營敏捷性平台 Quickbase 建立記錄合作夥伴關係。該機構將支持該品牌作為公民自動化和公民發展領域的先行者和領導者的快速增長股份。隨著數字化進程的繼續,Gartner 預測到 2025 年,50% 的新低代碼客戶將來自 IT 組織之外的商業買家。

“憑藉在公民自動化和開發方面 20 年的經驗,我們有責任幫助塑造市場上的對話,我們很高興有 PAN Communications 作為合作夥伴。”

Quickbase 長期以來一直是無代碼應用程序平台領域的先驅。憑藉二十多年來專注於將企業轉變為運營敏捷組織的經驗,該品牌正在經歷快速增長,其企業客戶預訂量同比增長近 40%,其中平均交易規模增長了 83%。為了適應這種增長,他們擴大並任命了新的戰略高級領導層,並根據公司在移動自動化、應用程序開發和低代碼品牌方面的成熟專業知識與 PAN 合作。這是通過基於數據的決策策略和實施其獨特的增長驅動的 NXT Stage 方法來實現的。

“我們從客戶那裡聽到了一件響亮而明確的事情——在過去的幾個月裡,通過將技術責任轉移到業務部門來推動超越變革的步伐加快了五年,每個人都需要幫助才能安全地導航這條道路,”首席執行官埃里克·奧爾森 (Eric Olson) 說。 Quickbase 的營銷官。 “憑藉 20 年在公民自動化和開發方面的經驗,我們有責任幫助塑造市場上的對話,我們很高興有 PAN Communications 作為合作夥伴。”

隨著世界保持虛擬化,推動無代碼、敏捷運營的擴展是自動化、民主化和互聯需求的趨勢。業務需求的變化速度超過了傳統技術所能支持的速度,Quickbase 提供了一個自動化平台,使他們的 5,500 多個客戶能夠推動持續改進和敏捷性,同時主動管理風險。 PAN 將通過戰略媒體關係和思想領導力內容提高品牌在贏媒體渠道中的知名度。該機構將同時與有影響力的人和行業領導者合作,以提高知名度並建立專業知識。

“Quickbase 希望在低代碼自動化和敏捷性領域建立他們的專業知識和質量意識,”PAN Communications 高級副總裁 Gene Carozza 說。 “PAN 具備推出綜合媒體計劃的能力,該計劃將緊密配合併協助 Quickbase 的高增長業務戰略。我們的團隊渴望開始為高技能的 Quickbase 高管尋找思想領導機會,並戰略性地引導敏捷平台公司成為低代碼自動化運營中最受認可和最合格的品牌。”

關於 PAN 通訊

PAN Communications 是一家中型整合營銷和公關機構,在全​​球擁有 150 多名員工。 PAN 擁有超過 25 年的經驗,通過公司的 NXT Stage 方法幫助公司將想法轉化為與新興和後期增長戰略相一致的引人入勝的故事。 PAN 總部位於波士頓市中心,在舊金山、紐約、奧蘭多和倫敦設有辦事處。該機構的團隊旨在幫助品牌在新市場中嶄露頭角並在全球範圍內擴大規模,擁有推動各種品牌(如 Rapid 7、HUMAN、Payoneer、GYANT、OneStream、Radial、athenahealth 和的整合戰略的經驗。


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