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Digital World: Unlimited Opportunities, Real-World Problems

In A Decade of Digital Transformation in 12 Months, 46 C-suite executives spoke with PYMNTS for its Q2 eBook on what the world will look like as recovery rolls on and the next iteration of normal rolls out. In this excerpt, Scott Galit, CEO of Payoneer, shares his predictions on which changes are here to stay and which will prove to be passing fads post-pandemic.

One of the most humbling and fascinating elements of the past year has been the universality of the global experience. As an international company with more than 25 offices around the world, Payoneer is no stranger to remote work arrangements and virtually connected teams. But for the first time in our 15 years as a company, we found ourselves sharing the exact same collective experience.

At home, in lockdown, with the internet as our only window to the world, our team of over 1,800 global employees found ourselves apart, together. The pandemic era brought into sharp focus the way the connected economy has leveled the playing field and drawn us all closer, even as the realities pushed us into isolation.

As parts of the world begin to enter what looks like a post-pandemic era, businesses are trying to understand which changes are permanent and which were passing fads.

What’s here to stay:

The digitalization of commerce took a massive leap in 2020. Out of necessity, consumers flooded online in unprecedented numbers, and businesses had to keep up or shutter. It no longer matters whether you’re a corner store or a big-box retailer; businesses must have a digital presence that allows for online shopping and delivery. Even as physical retail picks up, there’s no going back to a non-digital commerce model.

When eCommerce booms, fraud follows. Post-pandemic digital commerce is full of opportunity – not just for businesses, but for fraudsters, too. The increasingly global nature of eCommerce also widens the playing field for bad actors, while making it harder for any individual business, platform or marketplace to effectively identify and eliminate this fraud. In response, FinTechs are taking an increased role in spotting the fraud that’s happening across the digital ecosystem through the use of data and artificial intelligence (AI), and shutting down fraudulent users across platforms.

So, what’s not going to last?

Settling for a mediocre digital experience. As companies raced to get online during lockdowns, newly digital storefronts were full of glitchy UIs and poorly integrated commerce functionalities. Left without much choice, consumers were mostly willing to settle. But as digital commerce has become the norm, consumers and businesses alike will abandon carts and retailers if they don’t get a seamless, tailored, localized shopping experience.

Isolation. Borders closed. Lockdowns enforced. All of these elements worked to separate us from each other in 2020. Moving forward, it’s not just about pent-up demand, it’s also about pent-up interaction. As much as we can’t see a fully-in-person work model becoming the norm ever again, most companies will lean into hybrid models to bring back some of that face-to-face interaction. While business travel might be slow to recover, personal travel is exploding. And while some parts of the world remain closed to visitors, people are more connected than ever, shopping and working across borders.

Overall, I think it’s fair to say that most of the changes aren’t going away anytime soon. Now’s the time to see which businesses can adapt – which can blend the physical with the digital, the personal with the remote and the local with the global.



在“12 個月內的數字化轉型十年”中,46 位 C 級高管與 PYMNTS 就其第二季度電子書進行了交談,探討了隨著恢復的進行和正常推出的下一次迭代,世界將會是什麼樣子。在這段摘錄中,Payoneer 的首席執行官 Scott Galit 分享了他的預測,即哪些變化將繼續存在,哪些將被證明是大流行後的流行趨勢。

過去一年中最令人謙卑和迷人的元素之一是全球經驗的普遍性。作為一家在全球擁有超過 25 個辦事處的國際公司,Payoneer 對遠程工作安排和虛擬連接的團隊並不陌生。但在我們作為一家公司的 15 年裡,我們第一次發現自己分享了完全相同的集體經歷。

在家裡,處於封鎖狀態,互聯網是我們通往世界的唯一窗口,我們由 1,800 多名全球員工組成的團隊發現我們彼此分開。大流行時代使人們密切關注互聯經濟創造公平競爭環境並使我們所有人更加親近的方式,即使現實將我們推向孤立。



商業數字化在 2020 年實現了巨大飛躍。出於必要,消費者以前所未有的數量湧入網上,企業不得不跟上步伐或關門大吉。無論您是街角商店還是大型零售商,都不再重要;企業必須擁有允許在線購物和交付的數字業務。即使實體零售回暖,也不會回到非數字商業模式。

當電子商務蓬勃發展時,欺詐隨之而來。大流行後的數字商務充滿機遇——不僅對企業如此,對欺詐者也是如此。電子商務日益全球化的性質也擴大了不良行為者的競爭環境,同時使任何單個企業、平台或市場更難有效識別和消除這種欺詐。作為回應,金融科技公司正在通過使用數據和人工智能 (AI) 發現整個數字生態系統中發生的欺詐,並在跨平台關閉欺詐用戶方面發揮越來越大的作用。



隔離。邊界關閉。實施封鎖。所有這些因素都使我們在 2020 年彼此分開。 展望未來,這不僅僅是關於被壓抑的需求,也是關於被壓抑的互動。儘管我們無法看到完全面對面的工作模式再次成為常態,但大多數公司將傾向於使用混合模式來恢復一些面對面的互動。雖然商務旅行可能恢復緩慢,但個人旅行正在爆炸式增長。雖然世界上的某些地區仍然對遊客關閉,但人們的聯繫比以往任何時候都更加緊密,可以跨境購物和工作。



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