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Golden Melody Two Kings Two Queens Shen Wencheng, Huang Dawei, Pan Yueyun, Wang Ruolin BACK TO 70’S Western Golden Melody Concert

[US] Wang Ruolin, with a moving voice, will attend the Western Golden Melody concerts in Taipei and Kaohsiung. [TW] 嗓音動人的王若琳,將出席台北、高雄場的西洋金曲演唱會。

The most "pure" classic Western Golden Melody Music Feast "BACK TO 70'S Western Golden Melody Concert", the organizer and digital cultural and creative invited the strong cast of "Golden Melody Award", including four heavyweight singers in the Chinese music scene-Shen Wencheng and Huang Dawei , Pan Yueyun and Wang Ruolin join hands to sing! The first show will be held at the Taipei International Convention Center at 7:30 PM on May 29, at Huisun Hall, Taichung Chung Hsing University on June 26, and at the Haiyin Hall of the Kaohsiung Pop Music Center on July 17. With the exquisite and beautiful voice of "Two Kings and Two Queens", you can enter the time machine and immerse yourself in the good time of Western classic songs in the 70s. udn ticket sales network is officially on sale!

These four powerful singers with unique beautiful voices and interpreting the unique charm of old English songs can be called the queens of the heavens who dominate the Chinese music world and double-channel English. They have loved to listen to and sing old Western songs since they were young. The old songs have deep roots. After 40 years of debut, Shen Wencheng sang in a folk song western restaurant. It can be said that he started with a Western golden tune. The song "Proud Mary" has turned his life around and created a brilliant singing career; Pan Yueyun, a popular song, played vinyl records at home every day after school, and listened to the Western music channel hosted by Tao Xiaoqing and Yu Guang, which gave her a lot of exposure to Western songs during her teenage years. This selection of songs will also sing different styles. Actress works are worth looking forward to.

The explosive love song king Huang Dawei, his first reaction when he was invited to perform was "Awesome! No teleprompter at all!" He originally immigrated to Hawaii at the age of 3 and grew up in Hawaii. English is equivalent to his "mother tongue". "For the old Western songs of the 70s and 80s, it is a treasure. As for Wang Ruolin, who attended the concert of Western Golden Melody for the first time, although she is the youngest person in the lineup, she has the background of studying abroad and growing up abroad. She is very familiar with the classic old Western songs of the 70s and 80s. She said: "Paul McCartney is a genius musician. I especially like his solo works. I really like his style and way of writing music, and it has an influence. The popular music of future generations is extremely deep."

This western golden tune concert gathering "Two Kings and Two Queens" will bring many popular old western songs, and we will enter the time tunnel with classic music, and return to the beautiful age of young and frivolous at that time. BACK TO 70'S! 12% off for two-person package and 82% off for four-person package. For more program information and ticket purchases, please visit the udn ticketing website.

[BACK TO 70’S Western Golden Melody Concert]

2021/05/29 (Sat) 19:30 Taipei International Convention Center

2021/06/26 (Sat) 19:30 Taichung Chung Hsing University Hui Sun Hall

2021/07/17 (Sat) 19:30 Kaohsiung Pop Music Center Haiyin Hall

To purchase tickets, please go to the udn ticketing website.


金曲二王二后 沈文程、黃大煒、潘越雲、王若琳 BACK TO 70’S西洋金曲演唱會

最「純」經典西洋金曲音樂饗宴「BACK TO 70’S西洋金曲演唱會」,主辦單位聯合數位文創邀請到「金曲獎等級」的堅強卡司,包括華語樂壇重量級的四位歌手—沈文程、黃大煒、潘越雲、王若琳攜手開唱!首場將於5月29日晚上七點半在台北國際會議中心登場,6月26日台中中興大學惠蓀堂、7月17日則在高雄流行音樂中心海音館。透過「二王二后」精湛美聲引領大家進入時光機,沉浸徜徉在70年代西洋經典好歌的美好時光,udn售票網正式全面起售!

這四位獨具美嗓且詮釋起英文老歌別有一番韻味的實力派歌手,堪稱是稱霸華語樂壇國、英語雙聲道的天王天后,從小就愛聽愛唱西洋老歌的他們,與70年代老歌有著很深的淵源。出道邁入40年的沈文程,當年在民歌西餐廳駐唱,可說是以西洋金曲起家,〈Proud Mary〉這首歌更是扭轉了他的人生並締造出輝煌的歌唱事業;以〈天天天藍〉一曲爆紅的潘越雲,國中放學後每天在家裡播放黑膠唱片,及聆聽電台陶曉清及余光主持的西洋音樂頻道,讓她在少女時期大量接觸西洋歌曲,這次的選歌也會演唱不同風格的女伶作品,值得期待。


這場齊聚「二王二后」的西洋金曲演唱會,將帶來多首膾炙人口的西洋老歌,和我們隨着經典音樂進入時光隧道,一起回到那時年少輕狂的美好年代,BACK TO 70’S !雙人套票88折、四人套票82折,更多節目資訊與購票請上udn售票網。

【BACK TO 70’S西洋金曲演唱會】

2021/05/29(六)19:30 台北國際會議中心

2021/06/26(六)19:30台中中興大學 惠蓀堂




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