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14% more ecommerce companies in Ukraine since 2019

The number of ecommerce companies in Ukraine has increased by 14 percent since the beginning of 2019. In the same period, the average income of domestic online sellers has grown 1.5 times.

Especially, ecommerce companies located in the cities of Dnipro and Kiev have shown some significant growth in average income, 72 and 70 percent respectively. And more than 30 percent of all profits from sales on global marketplaces go the accounts of ecommerce companies located in the capital of Ukraine, Kiev.

Profit growth of 69 percent

This is shown in a report by Payoneer, which conducted a study about ecommerce in Ukraine. It found that there are now 14 percent more online retailers in this Eastern European country than at the beginning of 2019. And during the same amount of time, the overall profit growth of online retailers Ukraine grew 69 percent.

According to this study, over half (53 percent) of total profits of ecommerce companies in Ukraine comes from five cities across the country. These cities had the highest average income of ecommerce during the first quarter of this year: Odessa, Kiev, Dnipro, Lviv, and Kharkiv, with online sellers from Odessa generating an average income that was 16 percent higher than in Kiev.

42 percent of Internet users buy online

The Payoneer study also shows that at the beginning of this year, Ukraine had the largest number of regular ecommerce users in years. While in the third quarter of last year, 33 percent of Internet users shopped online, that share has now increase to 42 percent. This means that in total, there about 11 million people in Ukraine who shop online. The most popular product categories online are clothing, household appliances and cosmetics.


自 2019 年以來,烏克蘭的電子商務公司增加了 14%

自 2019 年初以來,烏克蘭的電子商務公司數量增長了 14%。 同期,國內在線賣家的平均收入增長了 1.5 倍。

特別是,位於第聶伯羅和基輔市的電子商務公司的平均收入出現了顯著增長,分別增長了 72% 和 70%。在全球市場上,超過 30% 的銷售利潤都流向了位於烏克蘭首都基輔的電子商務公司的賬戶。

利潤增長 69%

Payoneer 的一份報告顯示了這一點,該報告對烏克蘭的電子商務進行了一項研究。調查發現,這個東歐國家的在線零售商現在比 2019 年初增加了 14%。在同一時期,烏克蘭在線零售商的整體利潤增長了 69%。

根據這項研究,烏克蘭電子商務公司總利潤的一半以上 (53%) 來自全國五個城市。這些城市在今年第一季度的電子商務平均收入最高:敖德薩、基輔、第聶伯羅、利沃夫和哈爾科夫,敖德薩的在線賣家的平均收入比基輔高 16%。

42% 的互聯網用戶在線購買

Payoneer 的研究還顯示,今年年初,烏克蘭擁有多年來最多的常規電子商務用戶。去年第三季度,33% 的互聯網用戶進行了網上購物,而現在這一比例已增至 42%。這意味著烏克蘭總共有大約 1100 萬人在網上購物。網上最受歡迎的產品類別是服裝、家用電器和化妝品。


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